How To Create a Personal Learning Environment to Stay Relevant in 2013

“Our understanding of learning has expanded at a rate that has far outpaced our conceptions of teaching. A growing appreciation for the porous boundaries between the classroom and life experience…has created not only promising changes but also disruptive moments in teaching.” EDUCAUSE Review, 2012


This quote from Disrupting Ourselves: The Problem of Learning in Higher Education (Bass, 2012), gives a good a reason as any for educators to develop a Personal learning Environment [PLE]; a space where we can keep up with the experimental modes of learning, instruction, changing pedagogy and instructional methods that surfaced in 2012. In a previous post I introduced the concept of PLEs and touched on why educators may want to consider developing a PLE for 2013. In this post I’ll outline how educators can develop their own PLE, where to start, and I’ll provide specific action steps, and what tools to use. First though, I’ll share three convincing reasons why we should get serious about PLEs—why they aren’t just for students.

Three Reasons Why Educators Need a PLE
Education is in a phase of disruption (not news to anyone)—and it’s not just a blip or a bump, but is what Harvard professor and author Clayton Christenson describes as disruptive innovation. This concept describes what is happening in higher education now. We can see disruption in the new forms of course delivery  (i.e. Udacity, Cousera), teaching methods (i.e. flipped classrooms), and new learning models (i.e. competency based learning). These experimental forms of teaching (MOOCs) and assessing (peer review, assessment centers) are changing how educators teach, and impact the student/instructor relationship. Below are three [convincing] reasons why educators should consider creating a PLE:

  1. We need to disrupt ourselves: The model of higher education is at a turning point. PLEs provide a framework for us to expand our knowledge in our areas of expertise, and in teaching and instructional methods that are and will be appropriate and relevant for the digital era.
  2. The Instructor’s role has changed. The learner is moving to the center of the learning and teaching model, and relies upon a variety of sources for learning. PLEs will help instructors not only stay relevant in his or her field, but will provide an opportunity to learn how to use tools that will enhance instructional methods and adapt to the changing paradigm.
  3. Access to the Internet has changed how we teach and learn—forever. New tools devices, and applications are changing our culture and society. Education is not immune. We need to adapt and respond—PLEs will help us to do so appropriately by responding from a position of knowledge and understanding.

Creating a PLE: Where to Start
Begin with a model: As I wrote about before a personal learning environment is considered to be a concept rather than an entity—and concepts need a framework or model to flesh out the details.  As with any other model, a diagram is helpful in describing, shaping and explaining the concept. However, by the very nature of PLEs each diagram will be unique. If you peruse this site, you will see what I mean, no two are the same.

Personal Learning Environment: Janson Hews

Personal Learning Environment: Janson Hews (Photo credit: Janson Hews)

There are several helpful articles describing how to create a PLE on the Web, including several with a focus on creating a Personal Learning Network (a component of the PLE). Below are guidelines gleaned from the resources collected, which I’ve compiled into four steps.


Chris Sessums “Weblog Brainstorming” diagram,

  1. Decide on upon areas of focus: establish personal goals for learning. A PLE is holistic, and can include professional and personal interests.
  2. Determine which Web 2.0 tools to use: A PLE requires use of Web tools and applications to create a personal and virtual learning space. A PLE is also dynamic—the learner is an active participant and doing the three key functions: Collect and curate relevant content, resources into a meaningful collection in a virtual space, Construct and create to develop new knowledge and understanding. This could be through blogs, Slideshare presentations, Wikis etc. Sharing is inherent to a PLE, learning does not happen in a vacuum, but involves communicating with others. Another phase in a PLE is collaborating, working with peers to create new knowledge through digital objects, documents, etc. Start slow, it takes time to learn a new application and build and develop content and resources.
  3. Establish time each week to developing the PLE. It takes time to develop and grow a robust PLE.
  4. Create a diagram of the PLE. The purpose of the diagram is to provide a framework for learning goals, identify tools and provide a digital footprint and record of the PLE.

Closing Thoughts

  • PLEs are dynamic, they change and adapt to learning needs and goals.
  • Start small – developing a PLE takes time.
  • If you are able, share your thoughts or diagrams – I am sure readers would appreciate hearing from other educators.

To read the follow-up post on Personal Learning Portfolios and how to create on, click here.


Photo Credit: Learn, by Marc Brannan, Flickr

43 thoughts on “How To Create a Personal Learning Environment to Stay Relevant in 2013

  1. Pingback: International Education and Online Learning – The Necessary Networks! |

  2. Pingback: Unidad 3 #eduPLEmooc: El Reto | educación-tic

  3. Pingback: Two Heads + Twitter are More Powerful than Me Alone | Meaningful Learning with Technology

  4. Pingback: Personal Learning Environment vs. Learning Management System | thetaoofedtech

  5. Pingback: How To Create a Personal Learning Environment to Stay Relevant | Soumitri

  6. Pingback: Registration not required! | Five Flames 4 Learning

  7. Pingback: The use of MOOC in the development of a great PLN. | lifeofrenelace

  8. Pingback: Professional Development 365: Personalize Your Learning | Social Juggernaut

  9. Pingback: About CSCL and PLE | kaisapihlaja

  10. Pingback: Personalisation | The language learner

  11. Pingback: What’s the Point? | Kendra Leier

  12. Pingback: Your Personal Learning Environment » Hubert Project

  13. Pingback: My Top 10 Personal Learning Resources—Always in Flux | David in Carroll Land

  14. Pingback: How To Create a ‘Personal Learning Environment’ to Stay Relevant. | Love to read, love to learn!

  15. Pingback: How To Create a ‘Personal Learning Environment’ to Stay Relevant in 2013 | Educación, TIC y Opinión

  16. Pingback: Week 8 Facilitation Plan | Kelly’s Blog

  17. Pingback: my_PLE-0.1 | Camel Whale Weasel

  18. Pingback: How To Create a ‘Personal Learning Environment’ to Stay Relevant in 2013 | mabeldominguez

  19. Pingback: ‘The List’ for Educators: How to Find Almost Anything in Less than Three Clicks

  20. rhohls

    Reblogged this on LibraryLady and commented:
    I really like the idea of “disrupting ourselves” – as educators, we need to be always looking for the educational opportunity in things so that we continue to grow and evolve. Teachers must be learners.


  21. Pingback: How To Create a ‘Personal Learning Environment’ to Stay Relevant in 2013 | Mastering eLearning

  22. J.R. Duboc

    Thanks for this really interesting article.
    I can’t help but wondering, however, if a tool might be useful to aggregate elements of a PLE…even if no specific tool should be imposed, I feel that most students and professionals don’t build the PLEs because the tools at their disposal are not adapted …
    Maybe a WordPress plugin or theme could help alleviate some of these obstacles.
    I’d love your thoughts and experience on this…


    1. Debbie Morrison Post author

      Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. Yes I agree part of the issue is not knowing which tools to use, or even the lack of tools. Though needs/motivations for PLE portfolio are different for each group – students perhaps don’t see the need for a portfolio, though this is changing- and for professionals it’s that lack of awareness of what tools are available. Professionals will have different needs and motivations for creating a portfolio – one application will not work for everyone.

      Here is a couple of applications of tools recently launched that may serve as portfolios, though I would like a wordpress plug in myself:
      – (which I wrote about in a previous post)
      – Seelio, which is geared to students:


  23. Pingback: Personalizirana okruženja za učenje | E-učenje

  24. Pingback: Week 2 « tanyacauley

  25. cknuraini

    Thank you very much for the resources provided. This is helpful blog in understanding the meaning of PLEs and how to create it.when she says Start small – developing a PLE takes time.
    I will try to use it.Looking forward to learn from you.


    1. Debbie Morrison Post author

      So glad that you found the article helpful, and the resources useful. You are right, developing a PLE takes time, as it is dynamic, changing to adapt to each individual’s needs as well as the events going on within the learning community. Debbie


  26. Pingback: Organizing To Be a Lifelong Learner « Archaeology, Museums & Outreach

  27. Pingback: Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) | ESL Crystal

  28. tajkia2211

    Reblogged this on kia2211 and commented:
    I found this to be a tremendously helpful blog in understanding the meaning of PLEs and how to create one. She says to start out small and build because PLEs take time and management. I was very grateful to see that written because at first all of the information given in a four hour class can be very overwhelming.


  29. Randy Ziegenfuss

    I really connected with you reason, “We need to disrupt ourselves.” So true! And yet something that seems to be so hard for us, at least from my perspective in K-12. It is a never-ending mission to work with leaders to understand the importance of EXPERIENCING a PLE. Thanks for the “we need to disrupt ourselves” phrase. I will use it!


    1. Debbie Morrison Post author

      Hi Randy,
      So nice to hear from you! Happy New Year to you.

      I agree, is that not the best phrase – disrupting ourselves? The article which I was inspired by, is by Randy Bass (I’ve included the link below). It is an excellent article [I give credit to Mr Bass for this fitting phrase]. Thanks Randy for reading and taking the time to comment. Debbie


  30. Pingback: How To Create a ‘Personal Learning Environment’ to Stay Relevant in 2013 « Mi Blog

  31. Pingback: How To Create a ‘Personal Learning Environment’ to Stay Relevant in 2013 | Halina's Blog

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